
Jearmin Week

Welcome to our official carrd, where you can find all things Jearmin Week in one place!


    How do I submit prompts?
    All prompts can be submitted through our prompt submission form, which you can find underneath the "prompts" tab of this carrd, or on our Twitter account.
    What kind of prompts are you looking for?
    Tropes or one/a few words for inspiration are ideal for prompts. (Ex: beach, only one bed, first kiss, etc.)
    How many prompts can I submit?
    There is no limit on how many prompts one person is allowed to submit. Send as many as you'd like!
    Do I have to submit all of my prompt ideas at once?
    Nope! You can submit prompts at any time during our prompt collection period. Keep those ideas coming!
    What if I don't see my prompt on the voting form?
    We double and triple check our prompt submissions to make sure we got them all. However, when we have two or more prompts that are similar to each other, we will try to combine them. For instance, if we get "beach" and "beach vacation" as prompts, we would just shorten it to "beach" to avoid repetition. We also reserve the right to disqualify prompts that we deem inappropriate.
    Can I submit NSFW prompts?
    Of course! Jearmin Week is an 18+ event.
    Can I submit written works in languages other than English?
    Yes! Submissions for Jearmin Week in any language are welcome. Just be sure to tag us on Twitter (and post your works to our ao3 collection) so that we can show them the love they deserve!
    -Anything we missed?
    If you have any questions that may not have been answered, feel free to reach out via DM or CuriousCat so we can get back to you!


    Because we received so many wonderful prompts, we wanted to ensure we were able to use as many of them as we could! This year, we’ve allotted for eight days of prompts and one free day.

    7/23memories, fem jearmin, lingerie, praise kink
    7/24s3-s4 time skip, safe, body worship, edging
    7/25right person/wrong time, high school castes, hate sex, mirror
    7/26secret relationship, royalty au, repressed/pent up, caught in the act
    7/27jealousy, cadet training, frotting, love bites
    7/28confession, jean draws armin, finishing too soon, first time
    7/29hurt/comfort, sleepy, top armin/bottom jean, titan marks
    7/30firsts and lasts, pride, subtop, wedding
    7/31FREE DAY!


    We want to do our best to make sure everyone who participates in Jearmin Week has both a safe and fun experience. Help us with this by being considerate of your fellow creators and by checking out our rules.

    1. Jearmin Week is an 18+ event! While we may not have a bouncer checking everyone's IDs, we do ask that you do not interact with our content or our account if you are a minor.

    2. No bullying or harassment. Not all of us share the same headcanons or ship Jearmin in the same way. That's a good thing! Make sure to keep things respectful as we increase the amount of Jearmin content.

    3. Tag your fics! Please make sure to tag major triggers that take place in your story. We understand that you may not want to give certain things away, but we are all here to have a good time, so please be considerate of others in the community by tagging your works appropriately.

    4. Censor your art when necessary. If the art you are submitting is NSFW or depicts triggering content or imagery, we ask that you please censor it when posting. We do not want anyone who may be unprepared to see sensitive content to be caught off guard.

    5. Have fun! The most important part of Jearmin Week is to enjoy yourself. Relax, get creating, and have a good time.


    4/1 - 5/1Prompt Collection
    5/8 - 5/22Prompt Voting
    5/29Prompts Announced
    5/29 - 7/22Content Creation
    7/23 - 7/31Jearmin Week